Profile PictureHierax

Vault Dweller Suit - Mayu

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Vault Dweller Suit - Mayu


( Credit to Bethesda studios )

Congratulations you have been specially pick to take part in the Vault-Tec program with are rad resistance suit we welcome you!

There will be further updated made with more numbers to choose stay tuned along with a female chest blendshape in the next up coming update!


You Will Need -

- VRCfury (Armature Link & Toggles)

- Poiyomi 8.1+

Usage Guidelines

- No reselling

- No Redistributing

- This package does not include the Mayu avatar if you would like to buy this wonderful avatar

Installation -

Use VRCfury and simply drag the prefab onto your avatar, and you're done!

Specs -

- Poly Count is 17.6k

- 4 Materials Slots

- 1 Meshes

If you have any questions or have a problem with anything im the Mayu discord or _Hierax_

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Full Vault-Tec suit along with 4 different vault numbers

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